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ABC #171 / Multi-Sport Day is May 21

by:  Merlin Anderson on behalf of the Lake Run Club

ABC RunWalk #171 & Multi Sport Training, Timber Pointe Outdoor Center, Lake Bloomington 

Saturday May 21, 2022 at 8:00 AM 

Join the Lake Run Club and Central Illinois Masters Swim Team at scenic Timber Pointe Outdoor Center, Lake Bloomington, for a day of outdoor training. 
This will be a great chance to do one, two, or even three of the following: (1) run (road or trail), (2) open water swim training, (3) bicycle (12 or 26 miles) on rural roads.
The events will be fairly informal, but we have a schedule of guided events listed below with varying distances for beginners and the more experienced.
Participants are welcome to participate in any and all of the scheduled events or to run, swim, or bike any amount/distance they choose.
Swimming is only allowed during scheduled swim times when safety personnel are present.

This is also an opportunity to get to know Timber Pointe, a gem in our backyard. Timber Pointe, which is owned by Easter Seals, provides special needs and inclusive camp sessions for children and adults ages 7 and up. Campers participate in traditional camp activities such as swimming, fishing, boating, arts & crafts, target sports, music, and horseback riding. It is an experience of outdoor life for kids and adults whose health issues make these activities often seem impossible. While this event is free, all participants are asked to make a donation to Easter Seals in support of Timber Pointe and its campers. Any amount is welcomed, though at least ten dollars is strongly encouraged! Bring one and all!

8 AM – Traditional ABC run event: 4 & 8 mile courses, or Trail Run: The Run the Woods trail run course will also be available, along with a guide. 

9-10:30 AM - A swim course will be set. Swimmers can go as many laps around the course as desired. 

10:30 AM - Bike 12 mile or 26 mile course. Groups will depart Timber Pointe at 10:30.  Ride with others or ride on their own.  Printed and pdf maps will be available. 

After Noon - Cookout and Beverages: We will fire up the grills and lunch will start about noon. Chicken breasts, bratwurst, veggies, chips, snacks, soft drinks and beer to be served.  Please feel free to bring a side dish, snack or dessert to share.

Participants are encouraged to sign up in advance so that we will know how much food to prepare and how many volunteers are available.

ABC Multi-sport Day at Timber Pointe Outdoor Center (

Hope you can join in on the fun and I look forward to seeing you!


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