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ABC Run/Walk #170 is April 16

by:  Merlin Anderson on behalf of the Lake Run Club

Adventures Benefiting Children Run/Walk #170 will be Saturday, April 16 at/for The Baby Fold, from 8:00-10:30 a.m.
The Baby Fold is located at 108 E. Willow in Normal.

We will be back to normal - covid restrictions have been lifted. We may use the building to sign in and to eat/socialize.

Suggested routes (going N on Constitution Trail & back) include:
3 miles (to where the trail turns near I55 & back), 7 miles (to end of the trail & back)

Water & Gatorade will be at the parking lot that is 1/2 mile from the end of the trail.
The Baby Fold will provide some beverages & snacks. Someone will make Meg's coffee cake. Bring something to share if you wish.

ABC runs are free events. 100% of donations go to The Baby Fold. Hope to see you there.

Click here for the ABC Run #170 Facebook Event


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