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ASE run #21 is Sunday February 15th

by:  Kirby Cheek

Did you see it in the LRC e-mail Update?  If not, and because you've been there before, we have another Lake Run Club ASE (Another Stupid Event) on the calendar for Sunday, February 15th, at Pit Row in Heyworth.  Mark that date.  And, as always, the running starts at Noon.

And, for those who wish, the February ASE has a theme.  The 15th falls right between Valentine’s Day and President’s Day.  So break out whatever costume you have for either and run in fashion.  There will be awards for the best costumes, so go for it.  Rich Beal, always up for a costume opportunity may be hard to beat.  He’s always wanted to do a Red Dress Run, so this may be his year.  It’s worth joining us, just to see how great he looks.

We have two distances available in Heyworth.  There is an easy 5K, or a more challenging 8 mile run.  Maps for the courses will be available that almost anyone, except Rich, can follow.

As at all ASE’s, the event is an informal opportunity to run with others (no clocks, no registration forms, no t-shirts, no fees – just fun!)  Bring a friend, or two, and a few bucks to enjoy the hospitality of Pit Row, including a great burger special and tall cold ones.

Injured?  Can’t run?  Show up anyway, to enjoy the fun.  The 5K runners will be back at Pit Row by 1:00 to enjoy the hospitality.  Just do it.  Join in!

Questions?  Call Kirby (309 533-8689) or

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