Ecology Action Center Announces 2015 We Care Twin Cities Races
For immediate release
February 2, 2015
Contact: Kris Hall
Phone: (309) 454-3169 xx.12
Ecology Action Center Announces 2015 We Care Twin Cities Races
The Ecology Action Center, along with title sponsor Fleet Feet Sports, announces the schedule for the fourth annual We Care Twin Cities races. A Kid’s Run and a 5K race will take place on Friday, September 25, 2015 and a 10K and Half Marathon will be on Saturday, September 26.
Last year, the events drew approximately 800 participants and proceeds benefitted not only the Ecology Action Center but also an additional thirteen non-profit organizations in McLean County. The EAC uses its proceeds from the races to supplement other funding sources for its efforts to improve the local environment.
The We Care Twin Cities races are the largest Zero-Waste running events in the state of Illinois, with last year’s race generating less than five pounds of garbage to be sent to the landfill. Bottles, cartons and paper were recycled; food and food service items were composted; reusable hydration systems were used instead of paper cups; even the trophies were repurposed.
Registration is now open for this year’s races, and non-profit partners and sponsors at all levels are being sought. For more information or to register, go to or contact EAC Assistant Director Kris Hall at (309) 454-3169 x. 12 or
The Ecology Action Center is a not-for-profit environmental agency with a mission to inspire and assist residents of McLean County in creating, strengthening and preserving a healthy environment. The EAC acts as a central resource for environmental education, information, outreach, and technical assistance in McLean County.
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