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Public Brainstorming - Bike Master Plan

For more information Contact Jim Karch (309) 434-2225

The City of Bloomington and the League of Illinois Bicyclists will convene a public brainstorming session as part of the two organizations forging a master plan for bicycle routes through Bloomington.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18, in the Osborn Room on the second floor of the Bloomington Police Station. Ed Barsotti, Executive Director of the League, will facilitate the meeting.

In October, the Bloomington City Council authorized creation of shared bike-car lanes, called sharrows, plus a designated bike lane, to link downtown to Illinois Wesleyan and the Constitution Trail. It further authorized $11,750 to pay the League for its assistance in crafting a bicycling plan for the City.

While the City has partnered with Normal for years to create the 37 mile Constitution Trail, the Trail’s primary function has been recreational for bicyclists and pedestrians.

The new initiative looks at cycling as a mode of transportation as well as recreation. Under consideration are designated trails, designated bike lanes along streets, sharrows, and other bike pathways. The brainstorming session will involve people giving individual input but also working in groups.

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