Runners Wanted for Research Study
Dr. Justin Stanek of Illinois State University and Shelley Fortunato, PT (from the Northwest Suburbs) are conducting a research study to examine if specific spine and rib cage exercises improve spine and rib cage mobility in runners. Although there is no guaranteed benefit to you, the possible benefit of your participation is increased spine and rib cage mobility that may improve lung volume. The study will involve lab testing/measurements prior to starting a home exercise program (HEP) and repeat measurements 6 months later. The testing will be performed at either McCormick Hall at ISU or possibly Fleet Feet on a Saturday morning following the ½ marathon training session. Participants will be instructed in the home exercise program which will be performed 4-5 times per week and will take 15-20 minutes.
Spinal mobility and rib cage mobility will be measured using a tape measure over light clothing. Chest wall excursion will also be measured with a tape measure at upper chest, midchest and lower chest as you breathe both normally and deeply. Shoulder flexion will also be measured. The measurements will take approximately 20-30 minutes.
If you are interested in participating please contact Dr. Justin Stanek at (309) 438-5862 or He will be coordinating setting up the initial testing and instruction in the HEP. It is anticipated this will occur on a Saturday morning in March depending upon availability of the interested participants. You can also contact Shelley Fortunato, PT (847) 508-1895 or for further information.
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