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The Saturday Before Christmas Run

by:  Kirby Cheek ( on behalf of the Lake Run Club

The Saturday Before Christmas Run 
Saturday, December 22 at 12:00 pm


Burned out from too much Holiday Hassle and gross commercialism? Looking for a bit of fun and some cheap relief? Well, the Saturday Before Christmas Run may be just what you need. No cost, no purpose, no hassle, and as much fun as you want to indulge in.

If you've been there before, you know what a crazy event this is. If you haven't been there, this is the year to join in because it's gonna be extra special. That's because this year is the run's 25th Anniversary!!!

The run starts any time you wish, depending on how far you want to run. Most runners do the 4.37 mile loop run and start at 12:00 Noon. Don't want to run that far - start later. Want to run further, start earlier. But whatever you do, try to be back at Green Gables around 1:00. Traditionally every runner goes home with one of the famous fabulous SB4C DOOR PRIZES.

The Details: 

When: The Saturday Before Christmas (December 22nd) at Noon - or before or after (see above) with Awards (sort of) at 1:00 (ish)

Where: Green Gables at Lake Bloomington (Lake Bloomington Rd east of Interstate 39)

Cost: It hasn't changed in the entire 25 year history. It is still FREE. 

Distance: 4.37 miles more or less, as you like it. Maybe just the Car to the Bar run, walk, or hobble.

If you find you are disappointed in the event, the organizers still offer a double your money back guarantee. In the event's entire history, we've never had to refund a cent.

Can't believe all this? Need more details? Call Kirby at (309) 533-8689 or e-mail him at


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