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Upcoming ABC Runs

by Merlin Anderson (

ABC Runs (ABC=Adventures Benefiting Children) are social runs featuring pot-luck food sharing and free-will donations to local children’s charities.

Thanks to everyone that made ABC #85 (Timber Pointe, May 18) a big success – 57 runners generously donated a total of $1319 to Timber Pointe Easter Seals Camp.  Wow!

So that you can reserve dates, here’s my thinking on the next five ABC runs:

  • ABC #86 – Sunday, June 23 at El Paso for the El Paso/Gridley JH XC program.  This will be the last ABC run for this program.  They now get school funding but Mike Heffron and the kids would like to host one more run to show appreciation for all we have done for them over the years. 
  • ABC #87 – Sunday, July 21 at Tipton Park for St. Jude runners.  Proceeds from this run will help the fund-raising efforts of local St. Jude runners, Jeff Simpson and Kristen Dixon.
  • ABC #88 – Sunday, August 11 at the Schumacher home, for The Seedling Theater
  • ABC #89 – Saturday, October 12 (?? Tentative) at Sugar Grove Nature Center, for Heartland Head Start.
  • ABC #90 – Saturday, December 7 (?? Tentative) at ?? for either Boys & Girls Club or Adopt-A-Family.

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