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Rundraiser for Team CdLS Athletes!


 Run or Walk in a Fun Run Rundraiser

Come join us for a community fundraising event for Team CdLS athletes, Sam, Kerry, and Dannielle, in the Bank of America Chicago Marathon this fall!!
Run or walk with us next Wednesday, July 24th, and buy raffle tickets to win awesome prizes with all proceeds going to support the CdLS Foundation! The event starts at 5:30pm with our usual fun run starting at 6:15pm and a raffle drawing after the fun run.
The CDLS foundation is a local non-profit based out of Avon, CT that provides a wide range of services to anyone affected by CdLS. Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) is a congenital spectrum disorder. It causes a range of physical, medical, and developmental challenges, and occurs in approximately 1 in 10,000 live births. The effects of CdLS range from mild to severe, and it affects both genders equally.
Join us in person at the store or donate online to our Team CdLS Athletes here!


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