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Dashing Through the Snow!

Dashing through the snow! How to stay active during the cold winter months.

Many people think of running and walking as a three season activity. While the winter certainly presents some challenges, you can enjoy running and walking during the cold months if you are prepared! Here are a few tips that will make getting through the winter much easier.

Start with moderate goals. If you try to go out and run 10 miles in less than ideal conditions, you may end up getting frustrated and skipping it all together. Instead, aim to run or walk for 15 minutes. If you feel good, you can always go further. If not, at least you got out there and got some exercise for the day.

Focus on time, not pace. If it's windy and snowy, running your typical pace becomes harder, but the effort is still there even if the pace is slower.

Get the gear! Having running and walking gear that is going to help keep you warm in any condition will go a long way toward enjoying the snow and cold and not suffering in it. Having apparel that keeps the wind, rain, and snow out and also fits, feels, and looks great will help get you out the door! 

Run or walk with a friend or a group. Nothing gets you motivated more than having someone there with you. Looking for a group to run with? Fleet Feet Sports offers a run every Thursday at 6 p.m. right from the store. These runs will continue all winter and all abilities are welcome.

Try something new! Try running in a new location, at a new park, or from a friend's house. Doing something new can create some excitement and help you look forward to getting out there!

Reward yourself! Everyone likes getting something they've had their eye on. Give yourself a goal such as running 10 days in January, and if you hit it, go ahead and buy that item you've had your eye on.

The biggest challenge to running in the winter is getting started. Once you are out there it usually isn't that bad, so take the first step and enjoy the season!

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