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"I run to stay healthy."

"I'm running to lose weight."

"I love running with friends."

"I run to relieve stress."

"I'm training to run my first half-marathon."

"I'd love to run a personal best at my next race."

"I'm not a real runner. I just run a few miles at a time." (yes, you are a runner)

We all run for different reasons, and these are just a few that I hear on a daily basis. And just like there are so many reasons that people run, there are so many different types of runners. And truly, that's awesome. I bet most of you have probably met someone through running that you would have probably never met. Running can be powerful. It can be uniting. It can be life-changing. Whether we're running to be competitive, lose weight, be healthy, be social, don't we ALL get that great, euphoric feeling after a run?

It's time to celebrate this passion.

And all the people that share it.

It's time to unite.

It's time to RUN AS ONE.

Please join us for a run and celebration June 30th starting at 6:00 p.m. We'll have limited edition RUNASONE shirts available for purchase.

We'd like to thank our friends at Fleet Feet Orlando for letting us use their #RUNASONE logo and we certainly have all of them and the Orlando community in our heart.

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