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We Moved!

We have moved into our new location! We are right next to our old location (now directly next to Moe's in the Wegman's plaza), but we've moved into a larger space and we hope you find it inviting. So, what can you expect? Our apparel assortment has grown and you can find some awesome gear from brands like Nike, Saucony, Oiselle, Dona Jo, Moving Comfort, and Lucy (coming soon!). We're also excited to offer our bra fit process. Much like our shoe fit process, we'll discuss your goals, needs, and concerns. We'll take measurements and make recommendations to give you the proper comfort and support. Our accessory assortment covers everything you need for training, race day, recovery and more. We'll continue to offer our thorough shoe fit process to help you comfortably meet your running, walking and fitness goals. Beyond our products and services, we want to make this your store! We've blanketed the walls in local running images, which we hope you find both comforting and inspirational. We want to be a resource to you for all your running and fitness needs, whether it is running shoes, workout gear, injury questions, training advice, etc. We also plan to host more events in our space, including our GRAND OPENING EVENT Saturday November 14. We hope to see you soon!

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