Drinkers with a Running Problem
The first Monday in June of 2009, Kyle McPhee and I started the Tin Roof 2 Runnin’ Crew. We were a
group of drinkers with a running problem and quickly found many others who identified with getting in a
run then sticking around for happy hour specials on the sweet outdoor patio. Mark got invited to
Monday Runday by a group of mutual friends, and after a few weeks, we ended up in conversation post-
run where I discovered he was single (super cute!). Some minimal flirting ensued until Halloween
night when a group of us met at Tin Roof 2 for their annual Halloween bash. At the last minute, I was convinced
to wear a costume which I promptly borrowed from my daughter. Let’s just say the red striped mini skirt
and knee-high boots that I donned for the pirate costume caught the eye of Mark. Once we got to Tin Roof 2,
the party had started, and our love of running and dancing brought us together, literally, as we made
out on the dance floor at the Tin Roof 2 in full view of our running buddies. Six weeks later, Mark paced
me at the Memphis Marathon for my first BQ. A month later, we went to Scottsdale for me to support
Mark as he ran his first BQ. In April 2011, we made the memorable trip to Boston to complete our first
Boston marathon. In the past ten years, we have raced every distance together including the Turkey Trot
5k, Blvd Bolt, Vegas Half, Huntsville Marathon and TN Ragnar Relay. These days we most enjoy running a
six-mile loop from our house or running while traveling (last year, while in Paris, a highlight was running
from our condo to find Jim Morrison’s gravesite.) This December, we plan on returning to Memphis to
commemorate the 10-year anniversary of our first race together!
- Fleet Feet Nashville General Manager Tammy McKinney
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