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Join Our Eco Challenge !!


Join Fleet Feet's "Eco Challenge"

We invite you to join us in our "Eco Challenge" this April as we celebrate Earth Month.  We will hold 4 weekly challenges and a monthly challenge all filled with prizes and fun encouraging our community to make changes in working towards a more sustainable lifestyle. 


- Follow us on Instagram @fleetfeetnashville 

- Complete a weekly challenge, take a picture, and tag us and tag Asics on Instagram!

- Bingo challenge.  Score "BINGO" by completing the activities, take a picture of your card, and tag us and tag Asics on Instagram! 


- By completing a weekly challenge and following the participation instructions above, you will be automatically entered to win a $25 FLEET FEET GIFT CARD! 

- By completing "BINGO" and following the participation instructions above, you will be automatically entered to win a  FREE PAIR OF ASICS SHOES! 


April 4-10: Go Plogging! Run or walk your favorite route and pick up trash along the way.  

April 11-17: Donate Shoes.  Do some spring cleaning of your old running shoes and drop off a pair for donation.

April 18-24: Bring in your used nutrition wrappers.  We have partnered with TerraCycle® to create a free recycling program for performance nutrition packaging.  Once collected, the packets are shredded and melted into hard plastic to make new recycled products. Click here to learn more about the recycling process.

April 25- May 1: Asics Virtual "Run and Recycle 5K"


- Score "BINGO" by completing the activities, take a picture of your card, and tag us and tag Asics on Instagram! 


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