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Join the Movement

Train with Fleet Feet Sports for a twelve-week training program for the Franklin Classic 5K on Labor Day, September 1st.  This support-focused training program includes walking, running, and education on everything from proper form to nutrition. The first workout will take place on Tuesday, June 10th at Fleet Feet Sports Brentwood.

Here's the scoop on the training plan:

  • Tuesday Group Workouts - 6pm at Fleet Feet Sports Brentwood
  • Saturday group workouts at 7:30 at Fleet Feet Sports Brentwood and various other locations in Nashville & Franklin

The 12-week program includes two weekly workouts, a training plan, educational opportunities, a tech tee, injury screenings, and loads of encouragement and accountability to help you reach your fitness goals.

For more info, please contact Stephanie Spann

The cost is $125 for the complete program (*Race registration is not included).

Registration Here


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