Lauren Weaver
How long have you been running? I’ve been running since the 6th grade. My 6th grade teacher was the high school cross-country coach and encouraged me to go out for middle school cross-country. It’s weird to think how that really changed the trajectory of my life in a lot of ways!
Do you recall when you first knew you loved the sport? I was hooked from the very beginning!
What race did you qualify for the trials at? The monumental marathon in Indianapolis.
How many marathons have you run? 3
Is this your first marathon trial experience? Yes
What was your high school and/or college top accomplishments? I was a cross-country state champion and placed 45 as an individual at NCAA cross-country.
Do you have a favorite race experience? It’s not specifically a race, but my husband and I “fast-packed” the Tour du Mont Blanc in the summer of 2018. We were covering 20-30miles a day and it was so hard, but amazing, and planted the seed that I might want to run a marathon one day. Also...Having my husband pace me to an OTQ was pretty special and definitely a favorite.
Favorite distance? The marathon :)
What's your nutrition of choice while racing? GU and Gatorade
What's your favorite shoe to run in? (training and/or racing!) I’ve been running in the ASICS Kayano for 16 years!
Do you have a pre race ritual or superstition? Nope
Post race, what's your must have meal? I crave spicy food!
Married? Yes, I do most of my training with my husband, Austin Children? Yes, 2 boys. Cullen (7) and Liam (5) Furry friends? 2 miniature dachshunds, Max and Belle and now the proud owner of a bearded dragon, Cricket.
Who is your running icon? Deena Kastor
Favorite mantra or motivational quote? “There is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining to our character, than giving our all to a difficult task”
When you aren't training, how do you like to spend your time? I love to travel, hike, be outside
Social media handles: laurenweaver630 on Instagram
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