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Nominate a Mom for Mothers Day!


Mom to the Max! Contest

Brought to you by Fleet Feet Sports and Swiftwick Socks 

We want you to nominate a mom who does is all to the max for Mother's Day! Nomination is easy- just fill out the form below with all of the details and a short paragraph explaining how mom does it to the max!  

The first 25 moms nominated will receive a pair of Swfitwick Aspire running socks and the winner of the "Mom to the Max" contest will receive a prize package from Fleet Feet and Swiftwick, including a $100 Fleet Feet gift card, 3 pairs of socks, a Swiftwick shirt, hat, and a bracelet. 

Entries close on May 4th, and the winner will be chosen by Fleet Feet Sports and Swiftwick on May 6, just in time for Mother's Day! 

Nominate HERE

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