2021 Thanksgiving Sale Details
- Superfeet: 11/12-12/2
- 25% off insoles
- In store only
- Excludes ME3D
- Garmin: 11/12-11/29
- Forerunner 745- $100 off
- Foreurnner 945- $100 off
- Forerunner 245/245 music- $100 off
- Venu 2S- $50 off
- Theragun: 11/19-11/30
- Elite- $100 off
- Prime- $50 off
- Mini- $25 off
- In store only
- Buy 3 Get 1 Free Sock: 11-24-12-24
- All socks brands included.
- Customer can mix and match brands
- In store only
- Spend $100 / Get $25: 11/26-11/29
- For every $100 spent in store (pre-tax), get a $25 gift card.
- Gift cards may be redeemed from 11/30/2021 - 1/31/2022
- Aftershokz: 11/26-12/22
- Aeropex - $30 off
- Air- $20 off
- Openmove - $15 off
- In store only
- Brooks Fusion Hybird Jacket: 11/27
- Sale price of $99
- In store only
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