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The New England Challenge

The race series that you need to know about.....

Chapel Tinius, an Outfitter from our Green Hills location, completed a race series know as the "New England Challenge" this summer.  It is a six day event in six different states on the east coast.  Runners choose between a half or full marathon to complete each consecutive day.  

"I ran the half marathon every day, for six days, in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and finally Rhode Island."

Chapel, who had never been to any of these states, found each course stunning.  The challenge provided her not only an opportunity to work towards her biggest goal (to race in all 50 states) but a chance to travel and explore.  

"I would race in the mornings and then tour the cities and states during the rest of the day.  It was an adventure and probably my favorite challenge I have done!"


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