World Oceans Day Canal Street cleanup with Keep NSB Clean
World Oceans Day is Saturday, June 8, and we’re celebrating our Big Beautiful Blue Ocean by cleaning up around town while supporting our friends at Keep NSB Clean.
Recognizing that All Paths Lead To Our Waterways and Ocean, we will roam the streets and alleyways around our lovely Downtown Canal Street with buckets and trash grabbers in hand, unlittering our paths and creating a cleaner, healthier, more ocean-friendly environment.
Meetup will be at Fleet Feet, 433 Canal Street (corner of N. Orange and Canal Street). There should be plenty of parking nearby. We’ll start at 8 and should finish up by 1O. It isn’t necessary to stay the entire time. Most volunteers spend about 45 minutes at it.
This particular cleanup is best suited for adults. Cleanup supplies will be provided. Participants are in charge of their own hydration needs, but we will have some water available to refill your reusable bottles. Sunscreen, sunglasses, sturdy shoes
and a hat are recommended.

8:AM Sharp
RSVP is not required but please leave us a comment if you’re planning to attend so we have a rough idea of how much equipment to gather.
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