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Addaday Ultra Roller

Jeff at Starbucks

Did you know you can receive the benefits of a deep tissue massage without leaving your home? No, we're not suggesting you hire a private massage therapist.
We're talking about the Addaday Ultra Roller! The gears knead like the human elbow & the design allows for easy navigation around the human body. Best of all, the Addaday roller will relieve the signs and symptoms of plantar fasciitis, IT Band syndrome, runner's knee, sore back, sore quads & hamstrings, shin splints, & many other issues!
Jeff had fun giving Addaday massages to the Rogue Runners this morning! 
If you haven't tried Addaday, you're missing out on a fabulous masssage. Jeff is usually at the Starbucks at Libbie & Grove Ave, just let him know you're there for your free massage ;)

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