Exercise Tip Thursday - Compression Socks and Sleeves
Happy Thursday, loyal Fleet Feet followers! You know what Thursday brings - another round of Exercise Tip Thursday. This week, we're talking compression. How many of you out there have dealt with running ailments such as plantar fasciitis, shin splints, Achilles tendonitis or something similar? We carry a variety of tools to help alleviate those pesky annoyances, but one that we especially like to recommend is compression - in the form of socks or calf sleeves.
Compression helps increase blood flow to the calves and feet, allowing for a consistent amount of blood to be shunted through the affected areas, thus providing for increased healing of inflammation and other issues. Additionally, wearing compression socks or sleeves on your run or during your workout can help reduce muscle vibrations. This can reduce the soreness that is felt after a long run or hard workout. Here at Fleet Feet, we carry CEP brand compression. The level of this compression is medical grade, meaning that it is one of the best brands in the industry.
To determine the appropriate sizing of the product you choose to purchase, one of our knowledgeable staff members will measure your calf at the widest point. Compression is sized based on the circumference of the calf, instead of based on shoe size which is a popular misconception. We offer full length socks that cover both the feet and calves, calf sleeves that cover just the calves, and a shorter sock that covers the feet and Achilles tendon. When putting them on, it's important to make sure that they line up anatomically, as each is designed to do so. Stop in today to learn more about the compression options we offer!
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