Exercise Tip Thursday - Race Prep
Another Thursday has arrived, friends, which means it's time for Exercise Tip Thursday! With several fall marathons right around the corner, this week's topic will focus on race day preparation. We have several tips to offer that are sure to help you find race day success.
- Nutrition/Hydration
Sure, you all know that consuming some form of nutrition and hydration during your race is important. Heck, we've even touched on nutrition and hydration in previous Exercise Tip Thursdays. But, it's equally important to find the nutrition and hydration that work best for you a couple of weeks before your big race. That's why we're holding our own Sample Saturday this upcoming Saturday, October 11th from 10am-12pm. During this time, you'll be able to try some of the nutrition items that we sell, as well as Nuun and Skratch (our hydration products), and if you find something you like, you'll be able to purchase it for a discounted price.
2. Shoes
If you're running a race that is approximately a month away or more and are interested in new shoes, then by all means, let's talk. If your race is in about two weeks, and you're just now thinking about replacing new shoes, it won't be quite so easy. Each person is obviously different, but in general, we recommend giving your feet time to become accustomed to your shoes. This means that it's important to start thinking about new shoes with several weeks left in your training which allows you to do one or two long runs in them prior to race day.
3. Gear
By the time you make it to race day, you should have an idea about which apparel works best for you. You can have a couple go-to pieces that you know work well for running, and keep those in mind for your race day outfit. You definitely don't want to test out your new apparel on race day. It could potentially lead to chafing and irritation, which you definitely don't want to experience. But, on that note, if you are experiencing chafing or rubbing anywhere, we offer Sport Shield and Body Glide here in our store, which are two excellent anti-chafing products.
Long story short, my friends, if you're considering changing anything about your routine and your current routine is working for you, we recommend not tinkering with it until after your race. But, you know we're always here to help you with anything you may need to make your race successful. That's all for now, folks. Check back next Thursday for your next Exercise Tip!
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