Graston Technique Clinic Happening December 13th
Have you been experiencing aches and pains that physical therapy just hasn't been able to fix? Then you may benefit from a few sessions of Graston Technique. Graston Technique is a remarkable healing procedure used to break up scar tissue build up that can cause pain and lack of mobility. Using specialized instruments, this treatment breaks up dysfunctions and promotes healing through the body's natural processes.
Interested in learning more? On Saturday, December 13th from 9-11am, we'll have Jordan Frank, a certified Graston Technician and Athletic Trainer at ACAC in Short Pump, here in our store to perform free 20 minute sessions of Graston Technique. He'll also help you determine if this is an appropriate treatment for your area of pain. RSVP here to reserve your 20 minute session today.
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