Rave Run 2014 Lights Up the Night
Last night, we held our first Rave Run here at Fleet Feet Richmond. This was an event designed to educate participants about the importance of reflectivity and visibility while running in lowlight conditions. We invited our Nathan rep to attend, as well as Officer Dave Naoroz from the Richmond Police Department. Both spoke to the group before the run about how important it is make sure you are seen while running and to follow the rules of the road as a pedestrian. Interestingly, Officer Naoroz discussed the rules of running on the street vs. on the sidewalk. He mentioned that as a runner, you should not be on the street if there is a useable sidewalk on the road you are running on, but if there is no sidewalk, then it's ok to be on the street. He provided many interesting facts for the group, many of which we even had no idea about.
The runners and walkers took off on a three-mile run/walk and when they returned, we had food, Nuun sangria, and regular Nuun waiting for them. Overall, the event was a success, and we look forward to making it even better for next year. Thanks to all who participated!
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