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Sweet you rock & sweet you roll...

This week, we have rollers on the brain.  As such, here's the skinny on our new Trigger Point Performance foam rollers. Handy for many areas after a long run or hard workout; but from a Muscle Maintenance perspective, should be used at least once daily.  
Here's more on this fantastic product:
-"Built from EVA foam, The Grid roller has 3 zones that provide different intensities of massage; uses less foam than many other styles of rollers
-Low & flat sections feel like a massage with the forearm or palm; small square sections are firm & feel like fingertips; long tubular sections feel like fingers & thumb
-Use The Grid to massage your latissimi dorsi muscles (lats), quadriceps, hamstrings, IT bands, lower back & any other large muscle group
-Roller can be incorporated into your everyday workout to intensify push-ups, crunches & other core exercises
-Designed to withstand repeated use without breaking down
-Trigger Point Performance The Grid foam roller measures 5 x 13 in. and has a hollow core to keep the weight down"

Come in & get one. Complimentary demonstration is on us!


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