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FEATURE: Fleet Feet Rockford's Jackie Kirchner takes on Running and Nutrition

We are well into marathon training, and many people are experimenting with the best way to fuel themselves. We recently sat down with registered dietitian and Fleet Feet Rockford outfitter Jackie Kirchner to talk all things running and fueling-related.

1.) How did you get started in nutrition?

I think I’ve had an interest in nutrition since I was young. While I was young, my mom made dinner every night and our family always had dinner together. When I went to college, I didn’t have plans to go into nutrition - I thought I would major in math and then go to law school. I realized fairly quickly that wasn’t what I wanted to do and started exploring healthcare fields where I could help people feel better. Nutrition seemed to be a good fit for me - I could help people directly feel better by helping them change their eating and lifestyle habits and helping them improve their relationship with food.

2.) How did you get started in running?

I ran the mile and two-mile for a few years in high school, but I wasn’t serious. We didn’t have a cross country team or I would have tried that. In college I ran for fun, but never thought about racing or doing anything structured. I signed up for a half marathon in 2011 with my boyfriend Alex (he’s now my husband!) and really enjoyed it. Later that year we ran a marathon. But running my 2nd marathon (Chicago 2016) is what really sealed the deal for me - I had such a fun experience at that race that I couldn’t wait to do it again. I signed up for the following year the day that registration opened!

3.) How did you connect these two and understand the importance of them being intertwined?

During a 20-mile training run for my first marathon, I hit the wall - HARD. I literally could not walk up and over a bridge that was about 3 miles away from my apartment. I ended up getting a ride home because I couldn’t make it. The most embarrassing part is that the person that drove me home was a police officer that was parked near the bridge I couldn’t get over. I would like to tell you that that was the moment that I understood the importance of nutrition, but it was more gradual. At the time, I didn’t really know what hitting the wall was and I didn’t connect my experience with it. It wasn’t until I started getting more serious into running and experimenting with my fueling that I really understood it. I had to learn the hard way that I shouldn’t eat certain foods the night before I run, or that waiting 2 hours to eat after I finish a long run is going to leave me depleted and sore. But those lessons made a huge difference in how I felt and how well I ran.

4.) What is something that you’ve learned that you wish you knew earlier?

You need wayyyyyy more carbs than you think you do. Carbs are your body’s main fuel source, and we burn a lot of them when endurance training. Many clients are shocked when I tell them how many carbs they actually need to take in before or during a run, or while carb loading, or even on a daily basis. But when they start eating more carb-rich foods like potatoes, rice, and other grains (along with their protein and veggies, of course!) they notice a big difference in their energy levels, their mood and concentration, and of course their performance. You need carbs to run well!!

5.) If people took away one thing from this article, what should be their main takeaway?

Nutrition can LITERALLY make or break your performance. If you choose to ignore it or decide it isn’t important, you might need to call the cops to get a ride home!! That said, your nutrition should be personalized to YOU. You have different needs, goals, preferences, and tolerance levels than I do, so don’t try to copy what I do and expect to get the same results. Make it a priority, figure out what works for you, and get help if you need it.

Jackie Kirchner is a registered dietitian and Outfitter at Fleet Feet Rockford. For more information on fueling for success, visit
IG: fuelbetter.runfaster


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