If you were simply one of our customers, you may have never known she existed. You'd come in a few times a year (hopefully), buy some shoes and apparel, and be on your way. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that; we certainly thank you for your business. But if you've ever reached out to us for help with a race, or to have something designed, or for a donation, or to have something photographed...well, you'll never forget her. And neither will we. Christine Powell-our part-time marketing director, part-time artist, part-time schedule-keeper, and full-time heartbeat-wrapped up her final shift here at Fleet Feet last Wednesday, as she is moving on to spend her time helping the less fortunate and teaching art to children. We wish her the very best in all that life throws her way, and know that we lost the very best part of us when she left. Thanks for 8+ years of exemplary work and attitude, CDP; don't be a stranger, and thanks for all the smiles!
~Chris Ramsey
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