Flood Relief Through Footwear
As I sit down to write this, I have no clue what's going to end up on this page; from what I hear, Tunnel to Towers was a rousing success, I had a great time running my race with a wonderful group of guys, the weather is finally starting to get slightly cooler (very slightly, but hey...we'll take what we can get), and everyone and everything seems to be a-ok after the storm last week. Essentially, I'm saying I don't really have anything to complain about; in general, everything is looking up. But this isn't necessarily the case for everyone. So instead of me filling this space with useless ramblings, I'll let a recently written article do my talking for me; an article that details the importance of stores like ours in times like these. After all, every now and again, it's good to sit back and let everything come into perspective, because we usually don't have it quite as bad as we think we do....
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