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Over Some Hale Bales and Through Daffin Park

I'm sure if I look back at past things I've written about races, I'd find a lot of "this is one of my favorites" and "you're in for a real treat" waxing.  And I'm sure I absolutely meant what I said; I'm terribly proud of the races with which we assist, as well as all of the people and organizations we support in so doing.  That having been said, my 'guilty pleasure' race is right around the corner-this Saturday, August 27 in fact.  The Saucony XC Kickoff Classic.  Truthfully, kicking off another season of races is a little bittersweet (and daunting); I very much enjoyed my summer-getting to run on Saturday mornings, as far and early (or late) as I wanted-but if I'm going to jump back into things, I may as well do so with both feet...and 30+ teams of middle and high school kids from all across Georgia and South Carolina.  Oh, and there's even an Open Event as well (i.e. all you "big kids" out there get a crack at the course, too).  Over the river and through the wood...or in this case, over some hay bales and through Daffin Park, with Grandma's house nowhere in sight...for the first time ever, you'll get to finish inside historic Grayson Stadium, where all your friends and family members will be hooting and hollering for you from the stands.  So come on out and take in the spectacle that is the Saucony XC Kickoff Classic; I promise, you'll not be disappointed that you did!

Chris Ramsey

~Chris Ramsey

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