Meet Coach Amy
Amy graduated law school in 2003 and was a trial lawyer until 2021 when she began her position at Fleet Feet. While working as a lawyer, she discovered her passion for running as well as the mental and physical benefits of running while working in a high stress job. In 2007, she ran her first marathon. Since then, she has run 23 stand-alone marathons, including seven Boston Marathons, New York City, Chicago, California International Marathon, Big Sur, Portland, Houston, and others. She has run 22 half marathons, several trail marathons, 2 trail 50 mile runs, 7 Ironmans, 3 Half Ironmans, 2 UltraMans (including Hawaii World Championships), 4 SwimRuns, 5ks, 10ks, and whatever else is available to run.
Amy is a self-proclaimed gear junkie and is a total “fan girl” of everyone in the sport. She claims that she has watched every running documentary available so if you have one that you believe she has not watched and should, please email her so she can watch it regardless of whether you run this program.
Amy’s goal is to perpetuate positivity, support, and overall physical and mental health through running and a sense of community. While Amy loves running and racing, her best skill is motivating people and communicating that through consistency and building confidence, we can all succeed and achieve our desired goals.
Amy’s quote, “I believe you can do it and I’m not even sure what it is yet, but you can.”
Amy’s Coaching Philosophy and Requirements of Participation:
- Always support others in their efforts to achieve their personal goals, no matter how similar or different to yours.
- Do not expect to achieve results you want if you have not paid your dues which are due every single day.
- Expect to struggle on some days.
- Expect to be extremely proud of your accomplishments.
- Cheering for your peers will elevate your own success.
- Work hard. And stay hydrated.
- Complain less.
- Love the suffering.
- Enjoy the success and pay it forward.
- Appreciate every single day that you get to be out and on your feet in this beautiful state. Not everyone is so lucky.
Amy’s Favorite Race Pose: Jazz Hands
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