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The Big Ballard Brew Run

We're kicking off Summer with a social 3 mile run around the Ballard Brewery District!

We are celebrating Summer and the social community of Seattle's running groups.

Here's the plan; it's SUCH a good plan. Meet up in front of Rad Power Bikes to check in, grab some Brooks demo shoes, and head out for an easy paced social 3 mile run. All paces welcome including walkers.

Once you're back, grab some Run Hoppy swag while supplies last and a beer token for a delicious local craft brew at Urban Family Brewing, Lucky Envelope Brewing, Obec Brewing, or Stoup Brewing. Meet new runners, enjoy a delicious beer thanks to Brooks, and start getting ready for Summer!*

We will be raffling Fleet Feet Ballard prizes after the run.

We're excited to have the following run groups help spread the word: Seattle Green Lake Runners, Black Girls Run!, CSRD, Frelard Run Club, Stoup Runners, and Seattle Running Club.

*Advance registration reserves your beer.


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