Summer Runner Series- Session 2
Sports Fueling and the Endurance Athlete
This session will include strategies for daily nutrition, training support, and race-day fueling. Learn the basic concepts for the endurance athlete to put you in the best position to reach your goals.
Date: Thursday, June 22
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Fleet Feet Kendall Yards- 1315 W Summit Pkwy, Spokane
Instructor: Wade Pannell, CEO + Owner at Fleet Feet PNW
Price: FREE
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Fleet Feet Kendall Yards- 1315 W Summit Pkwy, Spokane
Instructor: Wade Pannell, CEO + Owner at Fleet Feet PNW
Price: FREE
Come prepared with active attire, a notebook, and a pen for 1 hour of education and light running/activity.
Get ready to dive deep and learn more about the sport you love!
Please let us know if you’ll join us by RSVPing to our event below.
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