Happy New Year
This may be one of the first times many of us have wished a year away, 2020 that is. Even though we still have some challenging times ahead, it feels like there is light at the end of the tunnel. From a business perspective, we are optimistic and encouraged about this year. Business is steady, people are running and walking more than ever, and working hard at staying and getting fit.
We had to postpone the 15th Annual Run For your Heart 5K/10K this year. It was a difficult decision. The landlord for our complex would not allow a gathering of that size. This race was created to benefit The Frances Langford Heart Center. Much of the money raised over the years has always come from generous sponsorships. We along with Cleveland Clinic decided this was not the right time to ask our local business owners/partners to dig deep into their pockets. So, the decision was made to postpone to 2022. Rest assured the 15th Annual will be our biggest race ever!
We are still wearing masks at the store and socially distancing. The team has been very diligent in doing this. It is a lot to ask but they do it without question or complaining. We have an active, healthy team and they seem to prefer a mask over not having one. We may not always agree on everything, but that seems to be the one thing we all agree on here. Hopefully soon we can laugh about when we used to wear a mask.
Despite all the challenges, sadness, and hardship the past year dealt, some good came out of it for us. It has made me appreciate and miss family a lot more. We have always been a close family, but this has made us much closer. Not seeing our children and grandchildren has been difficult. We can hardly wait to start traveling and seeing them as often as possible. It has brought our Fleet Feet team closer together for sure. It forced us to reinvent our business which has been for the better in many ways. Wearing a mask for the past year has disguised the fact that I have been wearing braces, which thankfully are coming off this month. I know, a little late in life for braces but better late than never. But in all seriousness, despite differences, it has shown us all that we need to find a way to be a kinder, gentler world.
Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. ~ Mark Twain
I came across this the other day and found it thought provoking. See what you think.
We all crave to live in a more friendly and compassionate world.
We want to feel safe to live and be who we are.
We long for the feeling of community and camaraderie.
So, it is important to look at what we are doing to create that kind of world.
Are we being friendlier to others?
Are we expressing our compassion for others, even complete strangers?
Do we engage in rituals and activities that engender the feeling of community?
It is time to stop waiting for others to change, and to make the change ourselves.
If we desire to see a world that is more gentle and kind, then it is time for us to be more gentle and kind.
“Be the change you want to see in the world” is not just a pretty slogan, it is the way to live.
The power is in our hands, we can and do make a difference every day.
We make a difference by being nice when someone else is in a rush and not being mindful.
We make a difference by being soft when others are being hard.
We make a difference by showing our kindness to those in need.
We make a difference with our presence, our words, and our actions.
Even one small step goes a long way to creating a friendlier world.
What can you contribute to a kinder, gentler planet?
~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant
Running is one ritual we all engage in that engenders that feeling of community that we so need. It provides us that opportunity to be kind and compassionate. We encourage one another and high five one another. It lifts us up, makes us feel proud and accomplished. It makes us feel alive and whole. Despite differences it brings us together and gives us that feeling of community and camaraderie.
We cannot wait for change or for “this” to all go away before we change. Since the pandemic, I have not been training for any races, but I have been running often, just not great distances. Another thing this time has taught me is, running and working out is something I must do. It makes me feel whole and alive. At the end of the day, it relieves all the stresses. In the morning it gives me the confidence that I can handle anything that comes my way. It is that thing if I take a day or 2 off, and then go for a run or workout, it reminds me of why I must do this every day of my life. Pushing our bodies physically and mentally is what we are designed for and need to do. It may not feel like it at that moment, but after is when everything is right with the world. When the world feels like a kinder, gentler place, because it is. Anytime we do something positive for ourselves or others, it effects every living thing around us in a positive way.
Remember that we are all interconnected. We all share so much in common.
Be kind and stay healthy,
Upcoming Events
Monday Group Run at Fleet Feet Port St Lucie
6:15pm - 7:15pm | Fleet Feet Port St Lucie, 11586 SW Village Pkwy, Port St. Lucie, FL 34987
Meet fellow runners and walkers for a group run. Let's do our miles together! Meet in f…
Learn More ›Tuesday Group Run hosted by Fleet Feet Stuart
6:30pm - 7:30pm | TideHouse Waterfront Restaurant, 915 NW Flagler Ave, Stuart, FL 34994
Free Beer + Free Run = Free FunMeet fellow runners and walkers for a group run. Let's do o…
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