What is it?
Inflammation of the attachment of the calf muscles on the calcaneus.
- Excessive pronation
- Improper training techniques
- Changes in running surfaces
- Pain and tenderness at the attachment site at the heel
- Pre-activity pain and morning stiffness with a decrease in symptoms as the tendon warms up
- May develop into a heel spur if chronic.
- If caused by excessive pronation, consider a stability or motion control shoe with an insert
- 1 – 2 week heel lift
- Calf stretches
- Icing
- Massage of tendon
- Educate on proper training techniques
- Addaday Ultra Series
- The Strassburg Sock
- Runner's Remedy
- Superfeet Premium Insoles
- CEP Compression Sleeves/Socks
- Hydration & Nutrition (Nuun, GU Energy, Nathan)
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