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Guest Blog - My Couch to 5K Story

Our Fleet Feet Training Programs change lives (and are really fun at the same time!) Thanks to Laura for sharing her awesome Couch to 5K story with us! Take it away Laura.

LauraBlogPost-2017Several years ago (2010) I found my weight slowly creeping up.  I was working at a desk job and knew I needed to do something to stave off my middle age creep.  A friend was attending Weight Watcher meetings and asked me to join her.  I joined the 8 week group and had success dropping some weight so I signed up for another session.  During that time, I started to incorporate some exercise into my plan: I rode my bike to work when I could and recommitted to walking the dog daily.  I believe I lost approximately 10 pounds over the two sessions I attended.  However, I found myself becoming weary of tracking and counting everything I put into my mouth.  I knew I needed to switch it up and find something I could incorporate into my lifestyle.  Something I could imagine doing for the rest of my life that would give me results and keep me fit while not requiring regimented tracking every time I ate.

My husband had started seriously jogging around that time.  I knew I would have a difficult time keeping up with him.  He has always had better stamina than I when it comes to running.  My boss, Gerri and her husband were also getting into jogging at that time.  Gerri asked me if I would like to join them in a “No Boundaries 5K” workshop hosted by Fleet Feet, Appleton’s local running shop.  I decided to give it a try!  I was painfully slow in the beginning and always seemed to be lagging behind the rest of the group.  While I didn’t have any leg or foot pain, I could never seem to get my breathing adjusted.  Working the training program, I started jogging or walking almost daily.  I started to lose more weight and tone up too.  This was the lifestyle change I was looking for!  I started going to the local YMCA.  I started biking more.  I took a Zumba class with a co-worker.  We started doing duathlons together.  She is a bicyclist.  I found that when I didn’t work out daily in some way I ended up missing it.  While my weight still isn’t where I would like it to be, I am grateful I can still get out and move regularly without pain.  Thanks to the encouragement and knowledge of the Fleet Feet staff, I am 54 years old and hit the pavement regularly!

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