Meet Our Team!
At Fleet Feet Fox Valley, we are lucky to have a team that is diverse, motivated, and extremely knowledgeable. Every employee at Fleet Feet Fox Valley brings a unique perspective to the store & as a team are committed to working hard every day with every customer in an "Above and Beyond" way. We hope you always enjoy your experience in the store, and feel comfortable just stopping in to get to know us better, ask questions, and get engaged in all the activities that occur at the store and in our community.
AMY -- Retail Outfitter Amy enjoys adventures with her husband & two boys. You may find her running, spending time with family and friends, volunteering for a Golden Retriever rescue, or singing along with her kids to music from their favorite band, the Barenaked Ladies.
- Fondest Running Memory: Running a 5K in Toronto in 2010 was a lot of fun! You never know what you will end up doing on a road trip adventure!
- Favorite event: Fox Cities Marathon weekend. A past participant in the 5K, marathon relay, half marathon (& the location of her only marathon!), she also enjoys watching her kids do the kids' races.
- Piece of advice/tip for everyone: "Remember to have fun first: When you have fun, everything else falls into place."
CHAD --Spring Running Club Coach, Winter Warriors Coach, Retail Outfitter Chad enjoys spending his free time coaching cross country and track at St. Mary Catholic High School, as well as spending time with his wife and daughters.
- Fondest Running Memory: "Running a Boston Qualifying time at the Marquette Marathon and then waiting at the finish line (in the wind and rain) to see 2 training partners also qualify for Boston in the same race."
- Favorite Event: Apple Creek 50K. "Nothing beats running on flooded, hilly, and muddy trails. Best of all, it benefits are great organization."
- Piece of advice/tip for everyone: "During a race, smile for every camera. Always!"
FELICIA--Retail Outfitter Felicia’s love for distance running took off in 2014 while going to UW-Eau Claire for her Education Degree. It is her favorite form of self care to pair with the demands of her teaching career. To keep her on her toes, she is always looking for a new race to run, PR to beat, and new training buddies to share memories with!
- Fondest Running Memory: "When my (heavenly) baby brother ran his first 5k with me! He breezed past me at the finish line, and to this day I still say that I get any speed from him."
- Favorite Event: "That is a hard one, but probably the Twin Cities Marathon! The route is gorgeous, my main supporters were there, and the whole distance was full of cheering crowds! "
- Piece of advice/tip for everyone: "You cannot put in work for anyone else- it has to be for yourself. Listen to your body, be thankful for what it can do, and run your own race!"
HEATHER--FF Running Club Coordinator Heather and her Husband Tom love to spend time up north at their cottage and running their two girls around! If she isn't running with her Yellow lab Cabbie or with No Boundaries, she is doing a Triathlons or volunteering for the Fox West Chamber.
- Fondest Running Memory: "Fondest running memory is doing a 10K with my youngest daughter last year, and she said, " Mom lets run together." Funny, she was faster than me and took off all by herself for the first time and won 2nd in her age bracket and I 3rd in mine. It is fun to inspire our kids and others, that is the best for me."
- Favorite Event: "Favorite event is running and being in charge of the Fox West 5K. Raising money for a great cause, working with fabulous people and getting to run. Priceless."
- Piece of advice/tip for everyone: "No matter what your pace, you are out there killing it!!!! Those others are cheering you on no matter walking or running."
JOHN--Fun Run/Walk Crew John enjoys time with his wife Deb, concerts with his daughter Sara and running with his son Matt. Retired since July of 2011, he enjoys the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers (where he has been a board member or associate board member since 1991); running (since he is one of the 19 who have completed all 24 Fox Cities marathons with the big 25th coming in 2015); golfing; watching movies; listening to all kinds of music except country; watching the Brewers, Packers, and Badgers; and volunteering at various runs throughout the year.
- Fondest Running Memory: There are actually 3. Completing my first marathon in 1988 at Milwaukee's Lakefront marathon. A finishing goal of 3:30 to 4:00 hours and actually finishing in 3:33 happy and hurting.
In 2011, after being hit hard with my MS in July with fatigue and cognitive issues, I couldn't run a mile. With the Fox Cities Marathon approaching I figured I could run/walk the marathon. Weeks before the marathon I realized that wouldn't happen. Dean Peterson said he could push me in a wheelchair but we might still be out on the course. Deb contacted Leah for suggestions and Leah got us in contact with Christian Jensen and Brian Gruender from My Team Triumph. Christian and Brian took turns pushing me for an amazing adventure.
Finally, in 2012 I was running the Fox Cities Marathon in Kaukauna at mile 10 when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Matt who was running his first marathon. We ran together for about a mile before he took off leaving me in the dust. - Favorite event: Fox Cities Marathon. Just an amazing, well-put together event.
- Piece of advice/tip for everyone: "You have to have fun when running. Find others to run with and to share the life experiences you encounter."
MARK--Retail Outfitter When Mark isn't running, he enjoys spending time with his bride of 35 years, touring the United States on their Honda Goldwing, and playing with his grandson Sullivan.
- Fondest Running Memory: "The memory of running that stands out above all others is the hug I received from (my daughter) Veta Traxler when I finished my first half marathon. She had inspired me to take up the sport after my wife (Cindy) and I spectated her first half the year before. Crossing that finish line two minutes behind her, and receiving that hug, consumed with me with pride in the two fo us, joy to have
done it together, and the unconditional love between us."
- Favorite event: "My all-time favorite event has got to be the Apple Creek 50K relay in 2015. The conditions for the run that day could not have been worse, and I honestly considered staying in bed. It had been raining for the last several days, and was still raining with temperatures in the 30s with no end in sight. The trail was cold and wet, with floating bridges, and so much mud down the hills that you had to slide on most of them. Once I succumbed to the idea that I was going to be muddy and wet no matter what I did to prevent it, I realized how much fun I was having. I felt like a 14-year-old playing in the rain. The last time I had fun like that was playing football in the rain at summer camp in 1967."
- Piece of advice/tip for everyone: "Keep an open mind, don't be afraid to start something new, and set yourself up with goals that are out of your comfort zone, but achievable. I ran my first race ever at 58 years old with the Turkey Trot, and at 60, I set and completed a goal of running 6 marathons in 12 months. My next bucket list sport is triathlons, and am open to any advice I can get!"
MATT--Fun Run/Walk Crew Matt enjoys hanging out with his friends and family, and doing races with his running family. Outside of running, Matt enjoys playing other sports and going to sporting events, and watching live music.
- Fondest Running Memory: Completing my first half marathon in Green Bay after I thought I would never run longer than a 5k. Then following that up with eventually doing my first marathon at Fox Cities Marathon
- Favorite event: Fox Cities Marathon. This is our big hometown event and I love participating in it. The community involvement is huge and it is a great race to run. Tons of crowd support.
- Piece of advice/tip for everyone: "Go out and have fun while running. Setting PRs are great but the most important thing is to enjoy yourself."
MELISSA --Retail Outfitter Outside of work Melissa spends most of her time with her 4 kids! Her family is very active and they love all sorts of sports and activities. She also loves working out at the gym and running. Melissa earned her degree in School Counseling in 2015.
- Fondest Running Memory: She ran her first half marathon in Oshkosh in 2014 with a finishing time 10 minutes faster than her goal. "Pretty sure this was the first time I cried after a race..."
- Favorite event: The Noodleini has provided a series milestones for Melissa--she ran her first Noodleini 15K in 2012, her longest race at the time. 2013 Noodleini 15K was 3-mo post-baby #4 & faster than the previous year. The 2014 Noodleini 15K was 7 minutes faster than the previous year. Who knows what 2015 will bring!
- Piece of advice/tip for everyone: "Listen to your body and cross train. Your body will tell you when you need to rest or take a break, when you need to get out and get going, or when you might need newer shoes. Cross training is very important for overall health and strength."
TRICIA--Lead No Boundaries Coach Tricia loves to ride her Harley or relax on the patio with her husband Joe and their Boxer-mix Daisy. Too bad there aren't 11 months of summer and one month of fall! She is the proud young grandma to 'Belle and loves taking her on 'adventures'. Thank goodness she's young since it is exhausting keeping up with her!
- Fondest Running Memory: Watching the emotional faces of the No Boundaries graduates of our programs as they cross the finish line (Lucky for Tricia AND for us she gets to do this time and again!).
- Favorite Event: Rock N' Roll Chicago 1/2 Marathon
- Advice: "Gradually increase your distance and/or speed. The worst thing you can do is get too excited to be 'fast' and risk injury. Start with a 5K, then try a 10K, maybe a 15K, or half-marathon!"
WENDI--Retail Outfitter Wendi has four amazing children and a great husband! Her kids keep her very busy. She also enjoys reading.
- Fondest Running Memory: Turkey Trot. It was the first race I'd ever done after having my kids and years of not doing anything. I never though I'd be able to finish it or run as much of it as I did. And it's a great way to start an already great day of Thanksgiving!
- Favorite Event: Tough Mudder. I had to overcome some of my fears (water!) with many of the obstacles, and loved feeling fit and strong enough to finish it and complete every obstacle (it's all about the teamwork!).
- Advice: "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."
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