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Magical Appleton is coming June 24

Join a guided walking tour of the sites associated with the myths and reality of Houdini’s life in Appleton. Houdini claimed the city to be his birthplace, but he was actually born in 1874 in Budapest, Hungary. We will explore his brief life in Appleton by visiting where his childhood home once stood, sites of fictional magical feats, and his father’s synagogue. Explore the city that Houdini called home.
For more information, email
Click here for all upcoming events at The History Museum at the Castle. 

$5.00 per person / $2.50 for Museum Members
June 24 for advanced walkers/runners
Meet at the The History Museum at the Castle (330 E. College Avenue, Appleton) at 6 p.m.

HoudiniMagicalAppleton-15  HoudiniMagicalAppleton2-15

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