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Meet our No Boundaries Coach - Tricia R.

Have you ever wanted to complete a 5K? We can help you cross that finish line beginning March 15 with our No Boundaries program!  Meet friends, log those miles, and have fun during our 10-week program!

TriciaNoBoundariesCoachAnd helping you along the way? A fantastic team of coaches, mentors & pacers!  Tricia R. is our No Boundaries Coach. She is a graduate of the program, and upon graduation, has been part of the coaching team.  We caught up with her prior to the start of our spring program (You can find her coaching all the No Boundaries programs throughout 2016. Visit to see the schedule).

Q: How long have you been running and/or walking? When did you get your start? 
A: “I started back in 2007. As a former Cellcom employee, the company STRONGLY encouraged us to participate in the Cellcom Marathon weekend in some way. I jumped in to the half marathon distance and have completed close to 50 halves since.”

Q: What do you enjoy most about coaching No Boundaries? 
A: “I love being part of the 'first steps' in someone's goal, and to be able to convince them that they are capable of going the distance; literally. To see a past participant go on to accomplish wonderful things after No Boundaries is my greatest reward. I am so proud of my graduates!!”

Q: When you aren’t helping out with Fleet Feet Sports Fox Valley training programs, what can we find you doing?
A: “I love spending time with my beautiful daughter Heather, and granddaughter Belle. I scrapbook Izabelle's every move so I can relive each special moment with her.  My hubby and I are trying to find another fun way to spend our summer weekends; perhaps a convertible is in our future!”

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