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Running Changes Everything®: Finding Your Why

The Fleet Feet Blog is full of helpful (and sometimes tasty!) information! What is your why when it comes to running? Fleet Feet talked to runners about how they got started! 

There’s a new running boom afoot in America and everyone is welcome to join.

Two years after the world shut down because of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are running than ever before. When gyms, pools and yoga studios temporarily closed in 2020, millions of people discovered the freedom and fun of running for the first time, but it also encouraged many lapsed runners to lace up their shoes and renew their passion for hitting the roads and trails.

Industry estimates suggest there are as many as 20 million more “new” runners in 2022 compared to early 2020, plus about seven million returning runners that are back in the game. That group of 27 million newly engaged runners is larger than the estimated 24 million existing runners that had been running consistently heading into 2020.

This means there are more people running than ever before, and each in their own unique way.

“It’s an exciting time,” says Tim Carter, co-owner of Fleet Feet Burlington, Vermont, “because there’s a wider, more diverse range of people who can experience how running changes everything.”

Click here to read the full blog!

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