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Small Resolutions, Big Results

There are great tips on the Fleet Feet Sports Blog to help you through your fitness journey! A recent one is all about resolutions.

This is the time of year when we runners tend to start making big resolutions about running farther and going faster. We start committing to impressive numbers we would like to see on the scale and on the finish-line clock.

Big audacious outcome goals are important because they fire you up to get out the door every day, and shape your daily workouts into training. What’s more, they motivate you to uncover more strength, speed, and resilience than you knew you had.

But some of the small steps you take in the course of your everyday routines can go a long way toward determining whether or not you meet your big goals. Here are some resolutions to make for the year ahead. These are the habits of the most successful runners.

Read the full blog here! #happynewyear

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