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Traveling This Season? Here are 4 Ways to Keep Running on Vacation

The Fleet Feet Blog is full of helpful (and sometimes tasty!) information! If you are traveling during the holiday season and wonder how you will get your miles in, the blog has some great tips!! 

Between 2018 and 2019, I ran for 477 consecutive days. I had started a running streak and, until I got injured, I managed an average of six miles per day. I also traveled internationally five times and took a 10-day road trip through England.

It’s hard to imagine such things during the COVID-19 pandemic, but now that travel restrictions have eased up, holidays are right around the corner and races are back on the calendar, it’s time to unpack a few tips to keep running while traveling.

Whether you’re facing a busy travel schedule or unfamiliar neighborhoods, here are four things you can do to stay on schedule.

Click here to read the full blog.

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