Whether you are an already active person wanting more out of your training commitment, or someone who is just looking to get active and not sure what to do, the challenge is similar. There is so much information out there and so many ways to go about it. Robert G. Allen, author of many personal finance books, wrote "When you need advice- do you seek someone who has proven success or do you get advice from people who have never achieved what you desire?" When the thought of running a mile brings tears to your eyes or the enjoyment of running a Personal Best 10K makes you feel young again, finding proven success is sometimes harder than expected…or is it? Fleet Feet Knoxville and its training program curriculum - from a Begin to Run program to their full blown Marathon Training regimen - has allowed beginners and novice runners to achieve goals they never imagined possible.
“I never in a million years thought I would be running a half marathon at the age of 40, and finishing in 1:57, but with the help of the Fleet Feet training program I did it with great confidence,” Amy N. writes of her experience as a mom training for her first half marathon. Just few months ago, Amy started in a beginner 5K program and has already achieved more than she imagined when first walking into Fleet Feet Sports Knoxville. Christy K. has been training with us longer, starting with 5K and beginner triathlon training, but her challenges were greater. Staying steadfast to her dream of running a half-marathon, she writes, “I never expected to ever place in any race! Running with the encouragement from many in the Fleet Feet training group definitely helped. Since I moved up to the 10k program, my times have improved.”
The “Fleet Feet Training U” is an innovative program that combines social focus with your competitive mojo and our expertise and allows each participant to get out what they put in. Don’t be fooled by the relaxed and supportive nature of the programs. The athletic director, Shahin Hadian, with the support of coaches, keep a keen eye on every participant and constantly offer encouragement and challenges to push the participants farther when ready, as well as advice and warning to hold back when necessary. After all, in endurance training there is a fine line between over-reaching and over-training. As Shahin states many times during the course of a program, “Stress is stress”. Granted, we need use stress to allow adaptation but too much stress can break you down physically and/or emotionally. So the coaches walk that tightrope in unison with every participant, helping them with more than just their immediate training needs.
Developing your own path may be more difficult than you could imagine. Wanting to run a 5K after being inactive for years? How about tackling a triathlon when you don’t know how to swim? The Fleet Feet Training U is designed to provide a path to follow to achieve the desired goal. Just look at Christy: a series of 5K training programs to advance from walking to running; tri training to stay motivated and build more endurance during the heat of the summer; a 10k training program; and finally reaching her goal of completing a half marathon in January 2014! The young girl who cried after the first ever 1 min run interval had this to say, “I knew what it was supposed to feel like but I never imagined I would experience it”. At over 100 pounds lighter, Christy is now within reach of her dreams, and the Fleet Feet family is supporting her every step of the way.
This is not an isolated occurrence. Dana Moser, who at age 66 joined the No Boundaries program saying “I am not a runner”, progresses to have run at least 4 half-marathons and 1 marathon as she turned 71 last October. The husband-wife team of the Marambios started with a dream of life changing plans and joined No Boundaries programs to find a good starting place and ended up running their first marathons together in Disney in 2013. Last year, 4 from Knoxville finished their first Ironman in Florida, when only 3-4 years ago, they had started with our beginner and intermediate triathlon programs and learning about the sport of triathlon! There are no boundaries on what you can achieve if you just take the first step!
But a training program is not only about training. Providing that framework to get the most out of our training investment is just as
important. We use the resources of the store and our staff to provide expertise and experience at every junction of your training journey. By offering free injury screenings at the store and the supporting products if the dreaded “I-word” (injury) pops into your vocabulary. We do the best to keep you on the path to success.
We don’t stop there! We know the value of strength and flexibility. We bring local experts to help us with various ways to challenge your mind and your body. And finally, we love to celebrate accomplishments together or just lighten the stress of the week with some fun! After all, our motto has been: Train Smart, Live Well, and Make a Difference
Still unsure? One of our best assets is the ability to set your mind at ease and give you the confidence you need. Reach out to us. We have a curriculum to follow, just go back to the links at the top of this page! Need more? Check out our Flickr gallery of smiling faces or read some testimonials from training group participants as you check off that tri or run off your bucket list.
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6:30pm - 7:30pm | Fleet Feet Knoxville, 11619 Parkside Dr, Knoxville, TN 37934
When: Every Thursday at 6:30pm Where: Starts from the store Who: All levels welcome Distance…
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