1st, 2nd, and last Wednesday of each month @ 6 PM - meet us at East Village Tavern for a 1.5, 3-mile, or 5-mile walk/run. Stay after to enjoy food, drinks and fun!
For the 3rd Wednesday of each month, we will be going on a "Field Trip" to other sites.
**Your opinion matters - give us some location ideas when you come to run and we will look into trying it for our "Field Trip" days!**
For the 3rd Wednesday of each month, we will be going on a "Field Trip" to other sites.
**Your opinion matters - give us some location ideas when you come to run and we will look into trying it for our "Field Trip" days!**
How to earn points:
Upon your visit to our weekly Fun Runs, you will get signed up for our points system. Below is a list of what you can do to earn your points:
- Attend the Fleet Feet Fun Run on Wednesday = 100 pts
- Bring a Friend for thier first time (HS age or older) = 150 pts
- Wear a Fleet Feet branded item = 25 pts
- Run in bad weather (rain or snow) = 50 pts
- Demo shoes from one of our reps = 50 pts
- Attend the Field Trip Run = 100 pts
What you will earn:
Once you reach 650 pts, you will earn a prize! Points will accumulate until you reach the max points then the fun starts over again!
- 650 pts = Pickles
- 1300 pts = $10 Fleet Feet Longmeadow coupon
- 1950 pts= Nutrition
- 2600 pts = TBD
- 3250 pts = Pair of socks
- 3900 pts = $15 Fleet Feet Longmeadow coupon
- 4550 pts = Fleet Feet Hat
- 5200 pts = Pair of Goodr sunglasses
- 5850 pts = $25 Fleet Feet Longmeadow coupon
- 6500 pts = Triggerpont massage ball
- 7150 pts = $50 Fleet Feet Longmeadow coupon
- 7800 pts = TBD
How to Redeem:
Points will be tallied 24h-48h after each fun run and you will get an email with your details. Once you hit a prize point, an email with instructions to pick up your prize will be sent!
Fun Group Runs & Pub Runs
Program Start: year-round
Program Schedule: Every Wednesday of the month @ 6PM
Program Fee: FREE!
Description: Run with us, earn points, make friends, and hit your goals!
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