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Berbee Derby Teams

Fleet Feet Sports Teams at The Berbee Derby

Berbee Derby Join Fleet Feet Sports teams as we run the Berbee DerbyJoin us on Thanksgiving Day morning as we take part in the Berbee Derby.  We will have two teams a 5K and a 10K team.  Please register by October 28th!  Visit the Berbee Derby Website for more details about this annual event.

Fleet Feet Sports Berbee Derby Team Information |**Team Registration closes October 28th!**

To Join our Berbee Derby Teams follow the steps below.

1. Click Register Now (you may create an account or register as a guest)

2. Click “Team – Join or Create a Team”

3. On the “Join an existing team or create a new one” page, enter our team name from the drop down menu. We have two teams: Fleet Feet Sports 5K (Capt. Jessica) and Fleet Feet Sports 10K (Capt. Megan)

4. Click next and continue with the registration process

Thanks for joining our Berbee Derby Teams!

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