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Spring SpeedPLAY Registration Open


Don't let the name scare you, Speedplay is not just for “fast” runners, it is open to anyone who wants to work on becoming more efficient while challenging their current running paceOur Speedplay programs are a great way to stay race ready and mix up your weekly running miles while becoming a more well-rounded and efficient runner. The 8-week Speedplay training program sessions are offered 3x/year and can easily complement any of our other distance programs offered throughout the year (5K – full marathon). Workouts include fartleks, intervals, tempo runs, and hill repeats! These sessions have been carefully designed to be beneficial to those who specialize in any distance and can be utilized by all levels of runners. 

Choose a session based on your personal goals and racing calendar. 

  • Base recommendations for Speedplay We recommend you be able to run 3 miles continuously with a weekly average of 10-15 miles/week to start Speedplay training. 
  • Age requirement: 18 years or older 

Register for ALL three Speedplay sessions and receive an exclusive Fleet Feet tank! Tanks will be distributed early fall 2025


Spring Session | April 1, 2025 – May 202025 | Cost: $75 | ONLINE REGISTRATION OPEN | WEST EAST

  • Registration Deadline: March 282025 
  • Schedule: Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 
  • Meeting locations: 
    • West - Fleet Feet Madison and nearby parks (e.g. Walnut Grove Park, Greenway Station, Blackhawk Park). 
    • East – Fleet Feet Sun Prairie and nearby parks (e.g. Richmond Hill Park, OB Sherry Park, Sycamore Park, Sycamore Park). 

 *Inclement weather make-up date: Tuesday, May 27 

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