Winter Warriors Training 2017
This winter Fleet Feet Sports & Asics will build you into a WARRIOR! The purpose of this program is to help you stay accountable over the winter months and to help kick-start the year off right! This is a program for everyone-walkers and runners who want some accountability to get outdoors and stay active this winter! Weekend runs are coordinated on time and effort level – so it accommodates a variety of levels.
In addition to group training runs, the program will incorporate a circuit to be completed at the start and end of the program to help quantify your progress over the seven weeks!
5 Reasons to Run Outside this Winter:
- You’ll burn more calories: As the body works harder to regulate its core temperature among the elements, you'll burn a few more calories during your wintry workout compared to one conducted indoors.
- Prevent SAD: When the days get shorter and the temperature plummets, many people suffer from Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD). Running helps release powerful hormones that help combat this depression, increasing positive mood states during the cold weather months.
- You'll strengthen your heart: Cold weather also makes the heart work harder to distribute blood throughout the body. But a regular exerciser with cardiovascular endurance can make their heart muscle even stronger with these cold-weather sessions, better preparing the body for more strenuous workouts in the future -- not to mention other non-exercise stresses in life.
- You'll remember the importance of warm-up and cool-down routines: Proper warm-up and cool-down movements are crucial to keeping the body in top fitness shape, but they become even more important when it's cold outside. Keeping the body loose, limber and warm for a chilly workout can help prevent painful twists, sprains, tears and other injuries.
- It keeps off the Winter Bulge: You don't have to let the colder months turn you into a lazy pile of mush. You can stay motivated and challenged all winter long by keeping up on those outdoor miles.
So, ask for some running gloves and a neck-warming gaiter for the holidays and run outdoors this winter. You might even surprise yourself and love it.
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