Looking for local running route?
We've got you covered! Check out some of these local routes that our Training Program Coordinator has put together for our local community!
1.) Monterey Bay Half Marathon Preview 2024
The route used for the 2024 Monterey Bay Half Marathon Preview. Leaving from the Fleet Feet Monterey storefront you will be passing the Monterey Bay wharf, cutting through the famed cannery row and entering into scenic Pacific Grove to round the peninsula. Plenty of beautiful views of Monterey bay on this 13 mile route.
2.) Sunset to Forest
A favorite of the Monterey Training Programs this continuation of the half marathon cuts deeper through the nature of Pacific Grove. Instead of an out and back you'll be following Sunset dr., passing through Asilomar and back into the middle of the peninsula. This course does have steep uphills towards Forest ave but you are rewarded with a fantastic view and easy downhill as you cut through the heart of Pacific Grove back towards the ocean.
3.) Dennis the Menace to Roberts Lake 10k
If you are interested in a fairly flat easy 10k distance this route is for you. You'll be passing through El Estero park also known as Dennis the Menace park (watch out for geese!) then turning back to the bike trail along the beaches of Monterey then heading north to round Roberts Lake and back.
4.) El Estero 5k
For a quick and safe 5k option there is the El Estero loop. Just two laps around and you'll have a quick and easy 5k. Fairly level it is a great place to practice your 5k race time or just enjoy the scenic beauty of the park.
Looking for routes in Aptos? Check them out here
Disclaimer: These are self-guided local routes available for you to run at your own risk. Fleet Feet is not liable for any incidents, injuries, or issues that may occur while using these routes.
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