Track and Field
A quick guide to some basic information about this amazing season that is Track and Field.
Let's begin with a description of Track and Field, or T&F, this consists of running, which occurs on the running track and then there are "field" events that occur on the field that is surrounded by the running track. The running is made up of many events that are specific to distance- from sprints, that are as short as 100 meters to long distance events that can be up to 3200 meters (2 miles) on the track (this is why Fleet Feet Rancho Cucamonga carries sprint, mid-distance, and long-distance spikes). Colleges run even further distances on the track; up to 10,000 meters.
Field events are very diverse and include the long jump, the high jump, discus and shot-put throws (this is why FFRC carries "throwing shoes") and more. Fleet Feet Rancho Cucamonga carries shoes for these events and we can help you find the most suitable one for your needs.
Some basic terms:
Spikes- this is the term to describe the specific type of running shoe that is required (for the best perfomance) to run on the track. But, new runners can run on the track with their "trainers" if they are more comfortable. Spikes also refers to the small metal attachments that go on the bottom of some these running shoes. These attachments are screwed on to the bottom of the shoe and they grip the track when running. FFRC carries these spikes also.
Trainers- these are what we call the running shoes that you will be running your training miles in before you go on to the track and run your race. These are very important and you should be FIT properly for them and replaced before they are too worn out. Like tires on your car, you want to replace them before the tread is all gone and can become dangerous.
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