Harris Magruder, Owner
I love everything about the outdoors from running, to hiking, to tennis and beyond. I have been in outdoor retail for over 20 years in the Tupelo area-changing the name from Ascent outdoors, to Trails and Treads, and now to Fleet Feet. We coverted Fleet Feet- Tupelo from a full line outdoor store to run specialty about 6 years ago. What separates us? We use a machine called "Fit ID", which allows us to focus on a more exact science during the fit process for making sure people are in the correct shoe. We strive to create an experience that focuses on the customer's needs and goals by listening, and through our expertise we feel like we can match that up.
Carson Lancaster, General Manager
I am originally from Oxford, Mississippi, but have been here in Tupelo since 2021. I absolutely love my job and the people I work with. Being locally owned and operated is one of my favorite things about our store. Part of the charm of Tupelo is it's abundance of small businesses. Fleet Feet Tupelo caters to every aspect of our community from work to recreation. People from surrounding cities and towns visit to get the personal shopping experience we offer. We take pride in our work and love to give back to our community. Fleet Feet Tueplo is more than a store. It is a family and we are here to take care of you.
Dixie Johnson, Assistant Manager
I have been with Fleet Feet Tupelo since August 2021 and have enjoyed working here every day. I am from Fulton, Mississippi, but Tupelo is my second hometown. You may not realize how much of an impact a pair of shoes can make. Every single person who walks through our doors is somebody different, with a different story. I usually end up talking to my customers about everything except shoes, we get to know each other on a personal level and that is what I love so much about my job.
Blake Hill, Retail Experience Manager
While I have only been with Fleet Feet Tupelo since August of 2023, it has been one of the most fun and rewarding jobs I've had in a long time. I love working with customers and giving them the best experience possible while we fit them with the perfect shoe for them. I feel like what we do is almost a ministry to some degree, putting a comfortable shoe on someone who stands on their feet all day, taking their pain away, and watching their face light up is something that never gets old. We have a great staff that has become like family and truly makes working a joy.
Ty Russell, Team Lead Outfitter
Hey! I have been at Fleet Feet Tupelo since July 2023. I love working with customers that have medical issues to help them find the relief they have been looking for!
Kylie Springfield, Team Lead Outfitter
My name is Kylie. I have been with Fleet Feet Tupelo since August of 2023. I enjoy helping relieve people's pain and help find the best shoe fit for them.
Zalexus Actkinson, Team Lead Outfitter
I have been a part of the Fleet Feet family since September 2023. The enviroment here, from the customer to my fellow coworkers, is unlike any other, all thanks to the wonderful management.
Mallory Kendall, Outfitter
I have been a part of the Fleet Feet Tupelo family since August 2023. Fleet Feet has the best atmosphere and I enjoy spending time with all of my coworkers. Come by and see me!
Carlee Dunlap, Outfitter
I have been a part of the Fleet Feet family since September 2023. My favorite part about working at Fleet Feet is getting to know the customers on a personal level.
Lee Herman, Outfitter
I have been a member of the Fleet Feet team for 5 years. I have also been a runner for over 25 years and would love to help you with your running needs!
Posey Mcgraw, Outfitter
I have been with Fleet Feet since May of 2019. I started with Fleet Feet because of my passion for running. I've also been very active as a spin and yoga instructor. I developed a hip injury that led to having to modify a good bit of my activity. I feel all of this motivates me in helping others, whether they are runners, injured or just finding what is best for spending time on their feet. I love to see a customer find their fit for running or find relief to feel best on their feet for whatever they may be doing. It has been a fun new chapter and challenge for me!
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